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Why Choose Lidl

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Why Lidl

Lidl is a multinational retail chain operating in 31 countries worldwide with over 11,550 stores and over 375,000 employees. Lidl Malta, the leading supermarket chain on the Maltese islands, has secured its position as Top Employer for the 6th consecutive year, reaffirming its commitment to fostering a thriving and engaged workforce. Lidl Malta has also been awarded the Equality Mark certificate by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). This prestigious recognition is a testament to our dedication to creating a workplace that is equitable and inclusive for all our employees. 

So why Lidl? Because it offers opportunity, growth, success, a dynamic team and a career path. Lidl has the vision to take new roads, to create, programme, plan and produce, and most of all, to deliver.

Lidl can fuel your passion for success… that’s why Lidl!

We are the first, and most recognised Top Employer in Malta
We have been awarded the Equality Mark certificate

Discover what makes Lidl a unique workplace

A company that cares

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CSR initiatives

As a multinational company, Lidl Malta is aware of its importance and impact within the society in which it operates. Additionally, the company considers itself to be part of this same society and wants to make its contribution, not only through daily work carried out, but also through practical and locally rooted initiatives. 

Our people

People are the key to Lidl Malta's success; this is why we continuously strive to nourish their professional and personal growth by providing a positive and stimulating work environment. This endeavour has been awarded the prestigious Top Employer certification for 6 consecutive years.